We promote the safety, wellbeing and inclusion of all children. We have zero tolerance for child abuse and aim to provide a safe, supportive and welcoming environment where all students can flourish.

The Victorian Government is committed to the safety and wellbeing of all children and young people. Ministerial Order No. 870 sets out specific actions that registered schools need to take to meet the Child Safe Standards.

The purpose of the Child Safe Standards is not to impose an undue burden on organisations or regulators, and the initial focus of the Government will be on building the capacity of organisations, rather than on regulation and compliance.

The Department and the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority (VRQA) will provide information and support materials specifically for schools to assist with capacity building and compliance with the Ministerial Order.

As part of the Victorian Government’s commitment to implementing the recommendations of the Betrayal of Trust report, there is a new regulatory landscape surrounding child safety, underpinned by new Child Safe Standards. The Child Safe Standards are compulsory minimum standards for all Victorian schools, to ensure they are well prepared to protect children from abuse and neglect.

To create and maintain a child safe organisation, an entity to which the Child Safe Standards apply must have:

  1. Strategies to embed an organisational culture of child safety, including through effective leadership arrangements

  2. A child safe policy or statement of commitment to child safetyA code of conduct that establishes clear expectations for appropriate behaviour with children

  3. Screening, supervision, training and other human resources practices that reduce the risk of child abuse by new and existing personnel

  4. Processes for responding to and reporting suspected child abuse

  5. Strategies to identify and reduce or remove risks of child abuse

  6. Strategies to promote the participation and empowerment of children.

Links to relevant documents are as follows:-